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Property type, status and labels

Property type and status should be fairly self explanatory, however, we’ve tried to keep it as simple and unambiguous as possible.

The type has been put into 3 main categories, Villas, Non-Detached and Commercial.

A property can appear under more than one type, however each property should at least be in one (and only one) of those main categories first.  If you can’t find a suitable type, please get in touch with us and we’ll add it to the system.

For status, we currently have  For Rent or For Sale (this will be most people). Properties for rent are most likely to be commercial premises (we may develop our site in future to cover holiday rentals). Select the appropriate status for your property.

For label, current choices are  360 Tour,  Video Tour or Commercial. If you do not have a video or 360 tour please do not select – abuse of this label to featur your product in those sections without those will result in your listing being suspended. 


Choose one of the main categories, then any sub categories to classify your property type...

For example

  • Quad house, select Non-detached, Quad
  • Flat, select Non-detached, Apartment
  • Country House, select Villas, House, Villa
  • Status

    Choose either For Sale (most people) or For Rent (commercial spaces)...

    For example

  • For private individuals you may also wish to also select Part Exchange, Resale (most people) or Swap.
  • Commercial sellers / renters select the commercial type as well.
  • Labels

    For most people you can leave this section unless you are listing commercial or have relevant tours for your listing..

    For example

  • You can purchase a video tour from this page
  • You can also order 360 tours from this page too.
  • Related listing upgrades

    There are a number of ways your property can get better exposure on our site (and also when listed on other sites too) – as a property with a virtual tour. If you have a tour, we can then apply the relevant label to have your property appear in one of the other main sections.

    Properties with tours enjoy far more viewings than those without.

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